Reaper Script: Big Clock Extra

If your recording workflow contains multiple songs or parts in one project you might know this: You render each part into its own file by defining regions, send these files out to be listened by your customer or colleagues, and get back a list of times to review. But now these times refer to the…

OSC Keypress

Sometimes you need to control a software application in a professional environment, even though it has no matching interface to the outside. For such cases OSC Keypress can simulate simple keystrokes on received OSC messages. Features Every incoming OSC message is compared to a table of previously defined patterns. If a row matches the message,…

Reaper Script: Takenumber Window

Unlike some other DAWs, Reaper does not have the ability to give each “Take” (every time you press the record button) a unique number. Also there are some shortcomings with Reaper’s way to handle it, if you record over existing material while keeping the older version(s). So, inspired by my other DAW Samplitude, I created…